Friday, January 17, 2014

Practical Teaching Tip: Keeping Expensive or Dangerous Materials Organized

Happy Friday! I found this idea on Pinterest, so I am by no means taking credit for this idea. I've just used it and it has worked, so I thought I would share. When I first began teaching, the thought of letting teenagers use X-acto knives kinda freaked me out, so I wanted to allow them to use X-acto knives, but also be safe and organized with them.

This is what I did:

  1. I found some foam that was in my classroom and taped 2 blocks together. 
  2. Then I used the handle of the knife to push holes into the blocks. 
  3. Next I covered the entire block with masking tape and packing tape.
  4. Finally I cut slits in the tape where my holes in the foam were and labeled each hole with a number.
  5. I correlated this number to the number on the blade and a sign out sheet for the students.
Now, with a quick glace it is easy for me to distribute the knives and check if there are any missing. I also do this with my thin Sharpie markers as well because for some reason they started to grow legs and walk. :)

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