Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome Back and NEW stuff!

It's a few weeks into the school year, so I should probably get back to business on this blog! I took a bit of a break this summer because I had my daughter Xaria on the last day of school, what a blessing! I have learned so much this summer about becoming a parent (obviously) and a bunch about myself. Now that I'm back in the swing of things I wanted to give a quick overview of what I plan on doing with this blog this year.

1) "Ain't nobody got time for that" with a newborn, so lots more Practical Tips
2) Technology Spotlight: I'm getting into some fun techy stuff these days because let's face it I'm on my phone more than ever now and technology makes my life easier-well most of the time if I'm using it productively and not Facebooking :)
3) Projects: I am going to share more of the art projects that my students do in class, not only to share, but to also reflect.
4) Tweet Tweet: I'm considering starting a twitter account with quick tips

Happy Friday and stay tuned for exciting new things this year! Enjoy your weekend :)